I love to buy things, specially handbags, but I'm not willing to spend much money on them. I really love the Céline handbags but they are very expensive and I don't have that kind of money, so the best option is to find dupes / knockoffs / look-a-likes.
So I was on the DailyLook website and there are lots of handbags inspired on some famous ones!
This one is from DailyLook and retails for 44.99$ |
And this is the original Céline and here you can see the resemblance
If you prefer the all black one:
From DailyLook
retails for 59.99$ |
I also found a website if you are willing to spend around 300$ for Céline bags (http://www.celinedeal.com) but I don't know if the website is trustworthy.
Best of luck and have a nice day!
yours, Joana
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